Fostering Social Enterprises in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia: Challenges and Opportunities
This infographic highlights the key recommendations from the policy paper Fostering Social Enterprises in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia: Challenges and Opportunities by EMEA…
Read MoreProposals to Align Education Policy with the Needs of Green and Cultural and Creative Sectors: the Case of Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia
This infographic presents the key recommendations from the policy paper Proposals to Align Education Policy with the Needs of Green and Cultural and…
Read MoreFood Security in the Mediterranean Region: an entrepreneurial perspective from Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon
This infographic demonstrates the key findings of the policy paper, Food Security in the Mediterranean Region: an entrepreneurial perspective from Egypt, Tunisia, and…
Read MoreThe Role of Guarantee Schemes in Promoting Financial Inclusion: The Impact of Digital Solutions
This infographic demonstrates the key findings of the policy paper, The Role of Guarantee Schemes in Promoting Financial Inclusion: The Impact of Digital…
Read MoreRegenerative Value-Driven Business for Switching to a Wellness-fit Economy: Delivering a Framework for Action
This infographic presents the key findings of the paper Regenerative Value-Driven Business for Switching to a Wellness-fit Economy: Delivering a Framework for Action…
Read MoreRegenerative Value-Driven Business for Switching to a Wellness-fit Economy: Delivering a Framework for Action
We introduce in this paper a vision and actionable guidance for regenerative value driven business, contributing to a wellness-fit economy. In this vision…
Read MoreFostering Social Enterprises in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia: Challenges and Opportunities
Social enterprises are businesses with a social mission, reinvesting profits to achieve their mission. They combine the societal impact of nonprofits with the…
Read MoreProposals to Align Education Policy with the Needs of Green and Cultural and Creative Sectors: the Case of Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia
Education is key to unlock the potential of the green and cultural creative economy in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia. The paper identifies types…
Read MoreFood Security in the Mediterranean Region: an entrepreneurial perspective from Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon
The paper investigates the current state of food security in the Mediterranean. Focusing on Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, the paper analyses the main…
Read MoreThe Role of Guarantee Schemes in Promoting Financial Inclusion: The Impact of Digital Solutions
This policy paper provides an analysis of the role of CGSs in promoting MSMEs financial inclusion and the impact of digital strategies. First,…
Read MoreAccess to Finance for MSMEs in the Southern Mediterranean: Workshops with Finance Actors – Report
On the one hand, Mediterranean MSMEs face important challenges in terms of competitiveness, sustainability, internationalization and capacity to innovate which call for new…
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