Bridging Research, Policy and Action
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Founded in 2012, EMEA is a leading regional innovative think and act tank, with in-house policy research, action development and implementation capacity and a large network in Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa.
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Global commerce now being reshaped by Geopolitics, say leading analysts
Posted 3 weeks ago
Geopolitical forces are “steadily redrawing the map of global commerce” and future competitive trading advantages will largely depend on how countries or trading…
Global Economy taking $25tn annual hit from Biodiversity Loss, report highlights
Posted 4 weeks ago
A staggering $25tn is being drained from the global economy year-on-year due to interlinked calamities created by sectors such as agriculture, energy and…
Mediterranean Coast at Serious Risk from Climate Change, leading report warns
Posted 2 months ago
Climate change is creating serious risks to the ecosystems of the Mediterranean coastline, along with key economic sectors like summer beach tourism, agriculture,…
From Baku to Belem: Faster Progress urgently needed between now and COP30 to tackle Climate Crisis
Posted 2 months ago
Reaction has been swift and highly critical of the last-minute finance agreement at COP29 to set aside $300 billion a year by 2035…