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EMEA organises final Access to Finance workshop “Engaging Business Angels and Venture Capitalists”

On Thursday 26th October 2023, EMEA will hold the final online Access to Finance workshop under the INVESTMED project, this time covering business angels and venture capitalists. EMEA has held 3 workshops so far inviting experts and finance providers to highlight sources of funding for entrepreneurs in the INVESTMED project target countries.

Access to finance is a critical factor in the success and growth of start-ups and entrepreneurs across various industries. In Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, the green, blue, and cultural and creative sectors have tremendous potential for innovation and economic development. The primary objective of this workshop is to facilitate knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities between startups, entrepreneurs, and potential investors, focusing on business angels and venture capitalists. By doing so, the workshop aims to bridge the funding and knowledge gap and provide the necessary tools for entrepreneurs in the green, blue, and cultural and creative industries to access finance and scale their businesses.

The workshop will host the following speakers:

  • Antoun Maouwad, VP, Im Fndng
  • Gaelle Yammine, Associate Director, Middle East Venture Partners
  • Awatef Adalet, Senior Business Analyst and member of Damya Women Business Angel Network
  • Dr. Ayah El-Arief, Founder & CEO Ward, MENA Women’s Business Club Managing Director


The INVESTMED project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020. INVESTMED has a duration of 39 months, ending on 15 December 2023, with a total budget of 3.6 Million euros, of which 3.4 Million euros are funded by the European Union (90%). It involves 8 partners from Tunisia, Spain, Lebanon, Greece, Egypt, and Italy:

  • Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, BUSINESSMED (TU)
  • Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, EMEA (ES)
  • European Institute of the Mediterranean, IEMed (ES)
  • Beyond Group / Irada Group S.A.L, BRD (LE)
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, IED (GR)
  • Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta, LUMSA (IT)
  • Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, CEEBA (EG)
  • Spanish Chamber of Commerce, CCE (ES)