Wednesday | 23 Oct 2024

The CREACT4MED Annual Conference 2021 was completed with great success

The first CREACT4MED Annual Conference took place online on Zoom, on the 24th and 25th November 2021, with the aim to raise awareness of the role of culture and creativity as a vector for employment and value generation in Southern Mediterranean Countries.

The event was broadcasted live on Facebook with great success reaching over 9,500 views and 1500 thruplays.

The Conference started with welcome addresses by Prof. Rym Ayadi, President of EMEA, lead partner of the CREACT4MED project, and Ingrid Schwaiger, Deputy head of Regional Programmes , DG Near.

Keynote speaker was Prof. Pierluigi Sacco, Senior Adviser to the OECD, Professor of Cultural Economics at IULM University Milan and Senior Researcher at the metaLAB – Harvard University.

The Conference showcased the project’s progress and provided a space for incubators, entrepreneurs, policy-making bodies, regional initiatives and international organizations to present their projects and achievements.

Cultural and creative industries (CCI) are proven to be a source of job creation for young people and to promote innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth, but their potential is currently under-exploited in the Southern Mediterranean.

Closing the CREACT4MED Annual Conference 2021, Prof, Ayadi highlighted that “Culture and creativity are transformational for the economies and the societies in the Mediterranean and must be recognised as pillars in the post covid19 recovery plan. To make a difference and an impact to develop CCI in the Mediterranean we must cooperate build synergies and adopt a multi-stakeholders approach.”

The overall objective of CREACT4MED is to enhance the role of culture and creativity as a vector for employment and resilience in the SNCs through untapping the potential of the cultural and creative industry (CCI) to create economic value, enhance growth, create decent jobs and foster social inclusion. In doing so, a special emphasis is dedicated to youth and women.

The CREACT4MED project is co-funded by the European Union under the EuropeAid Programme and by the Project Partners. It is led by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA with 4 partners: the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED), the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED), the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) and the Faculty of Economics and Political Science Business Incubator (FEPS BI).

Link to CREACT4MED Annual Conference 2021 1st day

Link to CREACT4MED Annual Conference 2021 2nd day

Link to CREACT4MED Annual Conference 2021 report