Monday | 03 Mar 2025

María Helena de Felipe

Born in Madrid with Spanish –Finnish Nationality
Permanent residence in Barcelona-Spain
Lawyer, specializing in Corporate Labor Law.


Active member of the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC SOCIAL COMMITTEE, and member of the SOC, REX and Chair of the EUROMED follow up Committee (E.E.S.C)-October 2015-present. (

Vice-President of SMEunited (Confederation of European Crafts and SMEs)- Dec2014-present. ( and President of the Committee of Legal Affairs. June 2015-present.

Vice-President of CEPYME (Confederation of Spanish SMEs) September 2014-present. (

President of FEPIME-CATALUNYA (Catalonian Federation of SMEs) July 2014-present. (

Vice-President of FOMENT DEL TREBALL (Catalonian Employers Confederation) July 2014-present. (

Member of the Board of C.E.O.E (Spanish Employers Confederation). Oct.2014-present. (

Set up and current President AFAEMME in 2002 (Association of Federations and Associations of Women Entrepreneurs from the Mediterranean) which currently has 63 Member Associations of Businesswomen from 23 Mediterranean countries (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon ,Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey).(

Co-President of Women Commission in ASCAME (Federation of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce) -November 2019-present and Member of the Advisory Board of ASCAME October 2014-present


Co-founder of FES BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING SL, International Business Consultancy, providing corporate legal services for SMEs companies and consultancy specialized in project management in Business Gender Equality and Opportunities addressed to SMEs, organizations and public institutions at regional, national and Euro- Mediterranean level ,Headquarter in Barcelona. March 1991-present.

Linkedin in/mariahelenadefelipe

Facebook: in/mariahelenadefelipe

Tweeter: @mhelenadefelipe


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