Friday | 07 Feb 2025

REFOREST Kick-off in Prague

Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes in Europe

REFOREST project started its activities in July 2022, and in 12 and 13 of September took place the kick-off meeting in Prague at the University of Prague. The meeting gathered representatives of all project partners to discuss the main objectives and activities of the project, especially during the first year. The meeting was hosted by the lead partner Czech University of Life Sciences Prague at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences.

Prof. Rym Ayadi presented the WP5 dedicated to Finance and Policy, highlighting the key points to follow in the development of the activities of this work package. Dr. Cynthia Echave explained the co-creation and capitalisation activities led by EMEA under WP1. She explained that the aim of this activity is to identify the key capitalisation roadmap for enhancing agroforestry policy through a cross-cutting approach of agroforestry with other strategic policies such as Green Deal and energy transition in rural areas, the Rural Pact, and Urban-Rural planning, among others.

During the meeting, EMEA encourage a first co-creation workshop session focused on REFOREST target groups. The session consisted in split into groups to analyse and identify briefly which are the main target groups and their main concerns, also what does REFOREST project can help to agroforestry sector and particularly to each of target group. The discussion also centred in which kind of engagement strategies the project could launch to each target group and key stakeholders. In the upcoming months, EMEA will be working in the mapping of agroforestry policies and the development of the co-creation platform.
