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Call for Subcontracting

EMEA is looking for digital development support service provider for the

REFOREST project


The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), an independent regional economic

policy think tank based in Barcelona is looking for a service provider to undertake digital development support activities under the Horizon Europe Project REFOREST. The service is linked to the activity: 1.2 Design and implementation of co-creation and engagement platform.


About EMEA:

EMEA serves as a leading independent and innovative economic policy research institution and forum for debate on the political and socio-economic reforms in Mediterranean and Africa with the aim to promote transparency, sustainability, inclusiveness, regional economic integration and prosperity. It strives to contribute to the rethinking of the Euro-Med and Africa partnerships in view of the new dynamics of an emerging multi-polar world. Striving to examine the socio-economic challenges and to contribute to the reform processes in the socio economic policy agendas, EMEA develops new scientific concepts, initiatives and projects promoting transparency, sustainability, inclusiveness, regional economic integration and prosperity.



REFOREST is a Horizon Europe project funded under EU’s Land, ocean, and water for climate action from 2022 to 2026. REFOREST aims to promote agroforestry as a land use type allowing food production while maintaining ecological sustainability. The principles underlying REFOREST are those of innovation, knowledge exchange and creating novel solutions to empower farmers in Europe and associated countries to deliver on multiple objectives: food production, carbon capture, and biodiversity development. REFOREST has the fundamental aim to use existing knowledge of temperate agroforestry systems to co-create solutions to key barriers that hinder wider adoption of this land use type by farmers in the EU and associated countries. The strategic objective is to enhance agroforestry and the sustainability of food production by internalising the value of carbon and biodiversity in farming business models. The project will use an open science approach to represent the real-world ecological, economic and social potential and limitations of agroforestry within decision-making, verification, and financial support tools.



The project is defined in 8 work packages. Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association leads WP5 on Finance and policy, and also is in charge of the co-creation and capitalisation strategy and actions of the project under WP1. EMEA aims to develop the financing mechanisms that enable economic sustainability of agroforestry business models and define the policy recommendations that allow their implementation at EU level.


IT services to be contracted:

  • Provide development support to create the REFOREST online platform.
  • Creation of the online platform for community building, engagement of stakeholders and document repository following three stages:
  • Stage 1 – Basic architecture and functionalities to support community building by 15 February 2022 (Information of the Project, join the community form, map with visualization of stakeholders engaged, surveys forms, AF repository, calendar of activities).
  • Stage 2 – The second stage will be developed from 1 March to 31 December 2023 according to the project’s needs focusing on development of consultations by working groups and collect information about living labs.
  • Stage 3 – The third phase will be developed from 1 Jan to 31 December 2024 according to the project’s needs focused on the visualization of the resources collected.
  • Maintenance of the platform.
  • Trimestral statistical briefing of the platform performance.

Competences required:

  • Programming and IT development and design skills.
  • GDPR knowledge and management
  • Master English language.
  • The company must also have proven track record and experience working on EU-co-funded project and have a good knowledge of the Visibility Requirements of External Actions co-funded by the EU.


Award criteria:

Weighting: 50% – Criterion: Financial aspects – best value for money.

50% – Criterion: Qualifications and experience.


Other conditions:

For the selection of the successful tenderer, the best value for money principle will prevail. The platform specifications must be outlined in detail and maintenance pricing provided for 2 years

after the end of the project. Developer support detail activities and pricing must be provided per day.


Selection procedure:

Tenderers are requested to submit an offer following the above specifications, company

experience, together with the CV(s) of the proposed staff member(s) to be involved in the

action by email to by 3rd January 2023 at 17:00 CET at the

latest. The successful applicant will be notified in writing within one week after the above-specified deadline.


Call in pdf format