Monday | 17 Feb 2025

Prof Ayadi’s interview featured in the EBA 2021 Annual Report

The European Banking Authority (EBA) included in its Annual Report 2021 an interview of EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi, who also serves as Chair of the EBA Banking Stakeholders Group (EBA-BSG). EBA’s Annual report describes in detail the activities and achievements of the Authority in 2021 and provides an overview of the key priorities for the coming year.

In her interview Prof. Ayadi explained how the Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) contributes to the EBA’s work by providing strategic and technical advice to support the EBA in achieving its mission and goal, highlighting that from 2020 until April 2022, eight technical working groups (TWGs) have been active in producing 32 opinion papers and responding to consultations. She also presented the BSG work plan and the priority topics for consultation.

Prof. Rym Ayadi, Professor at The Bayes Business School, chairs the EBA’s Banking Stakeholder Group. BSG is composed of 30 members appointed to represent in balanced proportions credit and investment institutions operating in the Union, their employees’ representatives as well as consumers, users of financial services, academics and representatives of SMEs. The EBA consults the BSG on the EBA’s proposals for technical standards, guidelines and recommendations concerning banking regulation.

Link to the EBA Annual Report 2021