Monday | 03 Mar 2025

Prof. Agustin Ibanez joins the Advisory Board of EMEA

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA, is honored to announce that Prof. Agustin Ibanez joined the Advisory Board of the Association.

Agustin Ibanez is an Argentinean neuroscientist interested in global approaches to addressing diversity and disparity in brain health. He is a full professor and Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI, Chile). Also, Agustin is a professor in global brain health, and he directs the International Program in Global Brain Health Research at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), Trinity College Dublin. He is a Team Leader of the Predictive Brain Health Modelling Group at Trinity College Dublin, a Senior Atlantic Fellow at the GBHI (UCSF), and a Research Associate Professor at GBHI-Trinity College Dublin. He has received multiple research funding from different international stakeholders, including the NIH/NIA, the Alzheimer’s s Association, The Fogarty International Center, the Rainwater Charitable Foundation (Tau Consortium), Takeda, GBHI (USA); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); ANID (Chile); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); DAAD (Germany); CONICET (Argentina); MRC (United Kingdom); and Horizon 2020 (Europe).

Link to full bio