Friday | 14 Feb 2025

Presentation of the ReForest’s paper entitled “Sustainable financing scheme for agroforestry in Europe” in seminar at the University of Cambridge

EMEA researcher, Dr. Ivan Hajdukovic, presented the ReForest project, funded by the European Union (Project Nr. 101060635), and his research paper entitled “Sustainable financing scheme for agroforestry in Europe” at the joint Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI)/ Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (CEENRG) seminar at the University of Cambridge on April 24th, 2024.

During his presentation, Ivan outlined a sustainable financing scheme for agroforestry, emphasising payments for ecosystem services.

He highlighted the need to develop innovative financial instruments and policies based on payments for ecosystems, which recognise the co-benefits of agroforestry practices and reward farmers for providing them, in order to promote the uptake of agroforestry systems across Europe.

The presentation generated fruitful discussions among the seminar participants on the role of agroforestry as a multifunctional system and on the ongoing policy developments in the European agroforestry sector, in particular the development of sustainable financing schemes for agroforestry.