Friday | 13 Sep 2024

New EMEA policy paper – Proposal for a Three-Pillar Resilience Framework to Face External Shocks: The Case of Covid-19 Pandemic

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has fundamentally tested the capacity and resilience of health and socio-economic systems to respond to high-impact shocks and to adapt to emerging transitions and to transform.

Were countries across the globe prepared to face up to the COVID-19 systemic shock? Have they developed socio-economic buffers to resist the pandemic’s effect? Were their buffers sufficient? Have they built the capacity to respond and transform? What is the system that could enhance resilience?

The paper, authored by EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi, explores the concept of resilience and propose a three pillar- system and associated tools to enhance it. The system includes early warning, crisis management and recovery.

Link to publication