Wednesday | 23 Oct 2024

New EMEA policy paper – How did Covid-19 Pandemic Impact Education in Egypt?

The main objective of this EMEA policy paper, authored by Prof. Marwa Biltagy, is to determine the effect of the pandemic on the Egyptian educational system. The COVID-19 pandemic leads us to respond to an actual challenge and to take real responsibility. Indeed, the new Coronavirus represents a shock to all countries, but economies that have relied on technology and ensured online services have been relatively less affected.

Policymakers can benefit from this crisis and use it as a good opportunity to introduce new learning methods, paying more attention to the quality of the educational system, dealing flexibly with technology and modern learning techniques, continuing to develop the digital platforms that have been created and integrating the concept of lifelong learning and sustainable education, in order to achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The author of the paper, Prof. Marwa Biltagy, is Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University and member of the expert panel of Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association and researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies. She wishes to thank Prof. Rym Ayadi, Dr. Sandra Challita, Dr. Mais Shaban and Sara Ronco for their valuable comments.

Link to publication