Friday | 25 Oct 2024

New EMEA – EMNES policy paper: “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The Relevance of a Nexus Approach in the Euro-Mediterranean and African Region”

EMEA and EMNES have published the new Policy Paper “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The Relevance of a Nexus Approach in the Euro-Mediterranean and African Region” authored by H.E. Fathallah Sijilmassi and Mounia Slighoua.

The paper emphasises the need for a “nexus approach” rooted in a “geography sensitive” and “multi-scalar” vision of Sustainable Development, for targeted implementation at regional and local levels, particularly in the Euro-Mediterranean and Africa. This approach is argued to be a fundamental accelerator for regional integration, which remains weak in this part of the World and to accelerate the pace towards reaching Sustainable Development Goals.

Fathallah Sijilmassi is an economist and a former Moroccan diplomat. He was Ambassador to the EU (2003-2004) and to France (2005-2009). He then led the Moroccan Agency for International Investments (2009-2012). He was Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean from 2012 to 2018. He is currently the CEO and founder of Positive Agenda Advisory, Senior Advisor at the Research Institute for European, Mediterranean, and African Studies (RIEMAS), and acts as member of the advisory board and committee of both EMEA and EMNES.

Link to publication