Tuesday | 11 Feb 2025

Latest issue of the “Economic Notes” journal co-edited by Prof. Rym Ayadi

The President of EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi co-edited the special issue of the Academic Journal “Economic Notes”, for July 2020, with the title “Business Models in Finance: Risk and Evolution”, along with Claudio Giannotti and Valerio Pesic.

The editors of this special issues also co-authored the introductory article of the journal, under the same title, i.e “Business Models in Finance: Risk and Evolution”

The role of business model diversity has received increasing attention in the banking and finance literature. That was partly a natural response to the fallouts of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 when some major financial groups – in particular those with excessively risky business models – either went bankrupt or needed to be saved through taxpayer-funded government bailouts. Though initially mute on business models, the regulatory overhaul to restore eroded market confidence and to safeguard financial stability paved new paths where business model considerations have gained growing interest – e.g., in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) and in stress testing of banks. More recently, a new variant is trying to understand the impacts of fintech on how finance is organised and regulated. Moving from this perspective, there is still space for investigating the potential effects of those changes in regulation, technology and competition on the sustainability of profitability of different business models. Against this background, this Special Issue of Economic Notes collects seven papers from scholars addressing the mentioned issues.

The Economic Notes presents key issues in the fields of banking, finance and monetary economics. Throughout the years, the journal has earned a reputation for open debate and interdisciplinary receptiveness. It publishes quality papers from academics and researchers as well as executives working in financial institutions, firms and the public sector.

Please visit https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14680300/2020/49/2