Monday | 10 Feb 2025

IWFSAS 2023 program and public policy panel have been announced

The program of the International Workshop on Financial System Architecture and Stability IWFSAS 2023 “Re-Thinking Banking Regulation and Crisis Management During Times of Recurrent Crises” has been announced!

The eighth IWFSAS conference offers leading academics, practitioners, and policymakers the opportunity to discuss innovative research on a range of topics related to banking regulation, supervision and crisis management aimed to preserve financial stability during a period of recurrent crises. It will take place at CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) – Brussels, on 05-06 October 2023.

Keynote Speakers of the event are José Manuel Campa – Chairperson of the European Banking Authority (EBA), and Xavier Vives – Professor of Economics and Finance at IESE Business School, Director of its Banking Initiative and current President of the European Finance Association.

Link to event program:

IWFSAS 2023 public policy panel

On 05 October 2023 16:00 CET, a public policy panel will take place as part of IWFSAS 2023, and will be broadcast live on YouTube:

Bank Regulation and Crisis Management in an Era of Recurrent Crise

In light of the recent crisis involving Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Credit Suisse (CS), the robustness of the crisis management frameworks in both the US and Switzerland has come under scrutiny. The subsequent discussions have ignited calls to strengthen the banking Basel regulatory framework and to complete the European Banking Union (EBU). The invited high-level panellists will dissect past events to glean crucial lessons and discuss the potential pathways forward.


  • Sebastiano Laviola, Single Resolution Board
  • Delphine Reymondon, EBA
  • Jo Swyngedouw, National Bank of Belgium
  • Christian Stiefmueller, Finance Watch

Moderator: Prof. Rym Ayadi, EMEA President, Professor Bayes Business School, Chair of the Banking Stakeholders Group (BSG) of the European Banking Authority (EBA), and CEPS Senior Advisor

Registration link to the public policy panel:

This year’s IWFSAS meeting will be hosted by the CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) in collaboration with Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA, the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria and the National Bank of Belgium.