Tuesday | 11 Feb 2025

7th successful INVESTMED seminar discusses the role of leadership in capacity building and sustainability

The seventh seminar in the 12-month INVESTMED training programme took place on Thursday 5th May, at 10:00 CET, via zoom. The seminar was co-organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) and LUMSA University, project partners of the EU-funded INVESTMED project.

The seminar discussed how to foster leadership capacity in sustainability-related sectors, including tools and strategies to strengthen companies’ capacity for change and manage a move towards more innovative processes.

Capacity Building and Sustainability Leadership

Two experts shared their perspectives from their respective sectors; Emilio Miguel Mitre, from the Green Building Council España, focused on the ecosystem of actors in the construction and building renovation sector, and Professor Raouf Medimagh from the Université de Versailles Santi-Quentin-en-Yvelines spoke about the field of research and business opportunities linked to the efficient management of material resources.

Capacity Building and Sustainability Leadership

The challenges we face as a society to achieve the desired transition to a greener and more inclusive economy require a reformulation of production processes. It is necessary to turn an economy based on processes of extraction, production and excessive consumption of resources into an economy that values resilience and collaboration. Companies must learn and assimilate the new changes with a new vision and perspective. It is necessary to foster an intelligent business culture that allows on the one hand to adapt resiliently to economic uncertainties, but that at the same time strengthens values and human capital.

INVESTMED Seminar: Capacity Building and Sustainability Leadership

The INVESTMED webinars form part of the project’s Sustainable Business Management Programme, which is open to current and prospective entrepreneurs from Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon working in the green economy, blue economy, and cultural and creative sectors. The seminars aim to complement the training content by bringing together experts in these fields from around the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The INVESTMED project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020. INVESTMED has a duration of 30 months, with a total budget of 3.8 million euros, of which 3.4 million euros are funded by the European Union (90%). It involves 9 partners from Tunisia, Spain, Lebanon, Greece, Egypt, and Italy:

  • Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, BUSINESSMED (TU)
  • Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, EMEA (ES)
  • European Institute of the Mediterranean, IEMed (ES)
  • Beyond Group / Irada Group S.A.L, BRD (LE)
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, IED (GR)
  • Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta, LUMSA (IT)
  • Rumundu Social Promotion Association, RUMUNDU (IT)
  • Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, CEEBA (EG)
  • Spanish Chamber of Commerce, CCE (ES)