Monday | 10 Feb 2025

EMEA publishes 5 new policy papers for the INVESTMED project

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA published 5 new policy papers under the INVESTMED project.  EMEA is one of the partners of the EU-funded INVESTMED which is designed to address both the economic and environmental challenges facing Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Mediterranean. The project aims to support MSMEs in improving their competitiveness, sustainability, internationalisation, capacity to innovate, and to create sustainable growth and economic development.

The new policy papers are:

Entrepreneurial ecosystem’s support of the green and creative economy: Challenges and recommendations for Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia

Author: Sandra Challita, Reviewed by Rym Ayadi

The paper investigates the challenges of the entrepreneurial ecosystems to support the green economy and cultural creative industries with a special focus on circular economy. The paper describes the status and investigates the challenges of the ecosystem for Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia by studying three attributes: cultural, social and material. It then provides general and targeted policy recommendations to support and improve the development of these industries.

Green economy in Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon: building an enabling environment for green entrepreneurs

Authors: Rym Ayadi, Yeganeh Forouheshfar

This paper assesses the green economy in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, identifying key challenges and proposing policy recommendations to foster an enabling environment for green entrepreneurs. Favorable policies both at national level and EU level, such as identification and labeling green businesses, introduction of diverse and novel financial tools, and enhancing knowledge sharing can potentially promote sustainable entrepreneurship in the region.

Blue economy within the Mediterranean region: the role of regional collaboration

Authors: Rym Ayadi, Yeganeh Forouheshfar

This policy paper provides an assessment of the blue economy in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, highlighting the crucial role of regional collaboration in fostering the development of blue businesses in the Mediterranean Sea. It explores the opportunities and challenges associated with the blue sector and proposes strategies for leveraging financial markets to maximize the positive impacts on the blue economy. The paper emphasizes the importance of cooperation among the Mediterranean countries and outlines key recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and investors to promote sustainable growth and innovation in the blue economy sector.

Cultural and Creative Industries in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia: the role of the EU in building an enabling environment for the emergence of a regional creative hub

Authors: Rym Ayadi, Yeganeh Forouheshfar

This policy paper examines the significance of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia and proposes strategies to build an enabling environment for entrepreneurs active in the underlying sectors. Highlighting the growth potential of CCIs, the paper identifies main challenges faced by creative entrepreneurs and provides policy recommendations at both the national and European Union levels. By fostering collaboration, strengthening intellectual property rights, and supporting independent workers, countries will be able to unlock the untapped potential of CCIs and promote sustainable development in the Southern Mediterranean region.

Social protection system and formal and informal programmes in Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon

Authors: Rym Ayadi, Najat El Mekkaoui, Yeganeh Forouheshfar

This policy paper delves into the importance of robust social protection systems in promoting dignity and security for all individuals. Focusing on Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon, the paper examines the current landscape of formal and informal social protection mechanisms. It identifies challenges and presents policy recommendations, with a particular emphasis on the development of Micro-social Protection Programme schemes (MSPP). By enhancing social protection programmes, this paper aims to ensure comprehensive support for vulnerable populations and foster inclusive and sustainable development in the region.


The INVESTMED Project (InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean) is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020. INVESTMED has a duration of 30 months, with a total budget of €3.8 Million, of which €3.4 Million (90%) is funded by ENI CBC MED. It has 8 partners from Tunisia, Spain, Lebanon, Greece, Egypt, and Italy:

  1. Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, BUSINESSMED (TU)
  2. Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, EMEA (ES)
  3. European Institute of the Mediterranean, IEMed (ES)
  4. Beyond Group / Irada Group S.A.L, BRD (LE)
  5. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, IED (GR)
  6. Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta, LUMSA (IT)
  7. Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, CEEBA (EG)
  8. Spanish Chamber of Commerce, CCE (ES)

INVESTMED will have an impact on MSMEs, start-ups and recently established enterprises where staff will be trained and coached to become more sustainable and competitive and financially supported via an open competition. Specific business incubation services will also be established for sustainable start-ups as well while relevant public authorities will benefit from capacity building and exchange of best practices to facilitate access and protect IPR for MSMEs.