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EMEA President Rym Ayadi and Advisor Harris Eyre participate at the Milan Longevity Summit

The President and founder of EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi, Co-Founder of the Brain Capital Alliance, and Harris Eyre MD PhD, Lead of the Brain Capital Alliance and EMEA advisor, were among the speakers of the Milan Longevity Summit. The Summit took place in in various locations in Milan, Italy, on 14th to 27th March, 2024 with the participation of eminent researchers, economists, investors, and biotech companies, all engaged in exploring the new frontiers of longevity and the prevention of physical and mental aging.

On 22 March 2024 Prof. Rym Ayadi participated in the Roundtable “Healthy aging: the ecosystem of innovation”. The session was chaired by Carlo Caltagirone, Scientific Director Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Roma and Viviana Kasam, President Brain Circle Italia. It opened with the keynote address “The challenges of the new demography” by Francesco Billari, Rector of Bocconi University, Milan.

At her intervention Prof. Ayadi highlighted:

“By investing in brain capital and prioritizing brain health, we can address the critical challenges of aging and longevity, laying the foundation for a well-being economy.

This approach acknowledges that our most valuable asset is our cognitive and emotional resilience—the cornerstone of innovation, productivity, and social connectivity.

Through targeted investments in healthcare, research and development, education, and community support, we can enhance cognitive functioning, prevent mental health issues, and ensure that our aging population continues to contribute meaningfully to society.

Ultimately, by valuing and nurturing brain capital, we not only enhance individual quality of life but also drive sustainable economic growth and societal well-being, creating a future where everyone, regardless of age, can thrive.”

The panel included Emiliano Albanese – Full Professor of Public Health, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Director of the WHO Collaborating Center (CC) for Mental Health Research and Training, University of Geneva, Lars Hartenstein – Co-leader McKinsey Health Institute, Geneva, Giovanni Tria – President Enea Tech e Biomedical, Giovanni Azzone – President Fondazione CARIPLO, Nerio Alessandri, President Wellness Foundation. The session ended with the concluding remarks by Federico Esposti, COO IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele.

Furthermore, on 25 March 2024, Dr. Harris Eyre delivered the keynote address “Brain Capital: A new approach for healthy longevity” where he underlined that “‘The transition from a brain-negative economy to brain-positive economy, building Brain Capital, is completely aligned to the longevity movement. If we have an excellent brain span across life including into our older years, we can transform our societies and economies’.”

The Milan Longevity Summit plans to use the event to draw up the Milan Longevity Program, a ten-point document that will help policy makers, the industry and the general audience improve their lifestyles and increase their health span. The Summit was organised by Brain Circle Italia and Viviana Kasam.