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EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi presents the Brain Capital Dashboard at the launch event of the Brain Capital Alliance at CEPS

The President of the EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi – Senior Advisor CEPS and Professor at The Bayes Business School was one of the speakers of the hybrid Conference “Towards Person-Centred Approach to Brain Health” which took place at CEPS on 04 July 2022.

The event discussed the impact of the latest initiatives and the next steps on the brain health agenda. It also featured the launch of the Brain Capital Alliance, an initiative that intends to identify brain health and brain skills as indispensable aspects of today’s knowledge economy. EMEA is one of the founding partners of the Brain Capital alliance. The event was moderated by Dr. Cinzia Alcidi, Director of Research at CEPS and Member of the EMEA Executive Board.

The Conference opened with a the presentation of the Brian Capital Initiative by Dr. Harris Eyre, Co-lead of the Brain Capital Alliance, Senior Fellow for Brain Capital, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute and Member of the EMEA Advisory Board. Dr. Harris underlined that “Brain capital is a novel concept that includes brain health and brain skills – inspired in neuroscience based policy initiative”.

Prof. Ayadi presented @ Brain Capital Dashboard, and she highlighted that “A dashboard will allow to measure brain capital at a global level and inform policy makers to take actions towards wellbeing resilience a better quality of life to all”.

Among the high-level speakers of the event were Paweł Świeboda – CEO of EBRAINS and Director General of the Human Brain Project, Katrin Seeher – Data Lead for Brain Health, Mental Health and Substance Use Department, WHO, Marianne Takki – Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Financial Instruments Unit, DG Health, European Commission, Orla Galvin – Executive Director, European Federation of Neurological Associations, and Wolfgang Oertel – President of the European Brain Council.

Prof. Rym Ayadi had also represented the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA at the presentation of the Brain Capital Initiative “Brain capital and brain health: New Approaches for Economic Challenges” by at the Annual Conference of JNPN – Journées Neurosciences Psychiatrie Neurologie on 30 June 2022 in Paris. After a welcome address by Prof. Pierre-Michel Llorca – JNPN President, Dr. Harris Eyre, Co-lead of the Brain Capital Initiative, Co-founder of the PRODEO Institute and EMEA Advisory Board Member presented an overview of the Brain Capital Initiative.

The next event of the Brain Capital Alliance “Brain Capital: The Power of Imagination and Creativity” will take place at EMEA HQ in Barcelona on 06 July 2022.

For more information on the Brain Capital Alliance, please visit

Event video: