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EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi participates in discussion on EU’s bank regulatory issues

The President of EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi, Chair of the Banking Stakeholders Group (BSG) of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and Senior Advisor at the Economic Policy Unit of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), participated at the seminar “The EU’s bank regulatory woes – where do we go from here?”. The event was organised by the European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) and took place in Brussels on 28 June 2023.

The EU is now finalising a banking package, the final notch of measures agreed upon after the financial crisis and as a part of this package has proposed upgrades to its crisis management and deposit insurance regime. The seminar discussed the banking package in the context of the renewed concerns about efficient bank regulation.

Prof Ayadi underlined that “the Basel banking package agreement is a step in the right direction. But more has to be done. The devil is in the details.”

The panel included Jonás Fernández – Member of the European Parliament, Nicolas Charnay – Senior Director and Sector Lead for European Financial Institutions, S&P Global Ratings, Almoro Rubin de Cervin – Head of Unit, European Commission, Ulrik Nødgaard – CEO, Finance Denmark. Moderator of the discussion was Karel Lannoo – Chief Executive Officer of CEPS.

The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) was established as a non-profit organisation in 1993, in a collaborative effort by the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS), the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) and the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). Since 2005, ECMI has been managed and staffed by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).