Friday | 07 Feb 2025

EMEA President, Prof Rym Ayadi participates at the Rome Investment Forum 2021

The President of EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi was one of the speakers of the Rome Investment Forum 2021 “Investing in European and Global Public Goods: Public and Private Strategies” which took place online on 02 December 2021.The event was organised by the Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation (FeBAF) in co-operation with the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) and Bloomberg.

Prof Ayadi participated in the Session “Pan-European Capital Markets and Financial Integration” and at her intervention she underlined the following conclusions:

· In a post COVID19 recovery the Capital Market Union (CMU) cannot be built without a robust, resilient and cross border banking.

· It is essential to build Public Private Partnership innovative financing mechanisms, based on transforming guarantees to capital, as part of phasing out of the policy measures post COVID19 to strengthen CMU.

· CMU must have a wider EU perspective for the South Mediterranean & Africa, that capitalises on a collaborative strategy between the private, public and international organisations to pull funds to accelerate equal recovery for all.

Keynote speaker of the session was Pierre Gramegna, Luxembourg Minister of Finance.  The panel was moderated by Tom Metcalf, Head of UK Finance Bloomberg and included Alexander Pivovarsky Director Capital Markets Development EBRB, Mahmood Pradhan Deputy Director European Department IMF, Mark Garvin Co-Chair Ango-Italian dialogue on financial services; Vice Chair JP Morgan, Federica Seganti Executive Chair Friulia Spa, Alessandro Varaldo CEO Banca Aletti Gruppo Banco BPM, Anna Gervasoni General Manager AIFI, Goran Svilanovic SEE Expert and Francesco Mazzaferro Head of ESRB Secretariat.

Discussants included Gianmarco Carnovale Chairman Roma Startup, Jean Plattard General Representative to the EU Generali, Eleonora Rizzuto Founder and Chairwoman Associazione italiana per lo sviluppo dell’economia circolare – Aisec, and Mark Thatcher Professor Luiss Guido Carli University.

The Rome Investment Forum is an annual international conference which focuses on investments as a long-term driver of development and economic growth. The conference provides a forum for discussion between industry, regulators and policymakers at both a European and global level. The conference attracts high-level speakers including European Commissioners, ministers, industry leaders and academics.