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EMEA President, Prof. Rym Ayadi, participates at the European Creative Industries Summit 2021

The President of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi, participated at the European Creative Industries Summit “Future Unlocked!”, which took place on 12-15 September 2021.

Prof Ayadi participated in the Panel Discussion “Cultural and creative sectors as generators of economic growth” which was introduced by Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia, Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Christian Ehler, MEP.

At her intervention Prof. Ayadi underlined that “Creativity and sustainability are essential to respond to our societal challenges and to create value that would enhance global wellbeing. Collaboration and co-creation are essential to scale up the role of the cultural creative economy to create value in the recovery post pandemic towards more sustainability and inclusion.”

The European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) is a yearly conference organised by the European Creative Business Network (ECBN). Hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, they will gather creatives from the European Union and beyond to identify skills, tools and methods used to unlock the potential of the global creative economy.

EMEA coordinates CREACT4MED (CReative Entrepreneurs ACTing FOR the future MEDiterranean), an EU Project funded by the EuropeAid Programme which is focused on strengthening CCI businesses and job creation, giving support to entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in particular, and targeting young people and women in the Southern Neighbourhood of the European Union.

The project is led by EMEA with 4 partners: the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED), the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED), the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) and the Faculty of Economics and Political Science Business Incubator (FEPS BI).