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EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi and Advisory Board member Harris Eyre participate at the First Annual Imaginator Summit

EMEA President Prof. Rym Ayadi and Advisory Board member Harris Eyre participate at the First Annual Imaginator Summit

The President of EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi, Professor at The Bayes Business School, and Harris Eyre MD PhD,  Co-Founder of the PRODEO Institute and EMEA Advisory Board member, and both Co-Founders of the Brain Capital Alliance where among the speakers of the First Annual Imaginator Summit which was organised by the Imaginator Academy on 13-14 October 2022 in Denver, CO, USA.

Prof. Ayadi and Dr. Eyre participated at the session “Brain Capital Policy Innovation: Measuring and Forecasting Human Potential through Neuroscience” along with Andrew S. Nevin DPhil, PWC Nigeria; and Paweł Swieboda, Director General, Human Brain Project and members of the Brain Capital Alliance.

At the intervention Prof. Rym Ayadi introduced the brain capital concept and dashboard to understand the concept globally after  the introduction of the Brain Capital Alliance by Dr. Harris Eyre.

Imaginator Academy and EMEA are among the core members of the Brain Capital Alliance — a multi-national program focused on neuroscience-inspired investment and public policy innovation as two powerful levers for change.  Brain capital is a productive and complex capital stock that accumulates over the lifecycle. The brain capital framework has recently been cited in public and private reports, including from the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report, the World Health Organisation’s Brain Health Position Statement, and new analyses from PwC and Lundbeck.

Courageous Imagination is the art and science of stories that shape the future. The First Annual Imaginator Summit brought together policymakers, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and futurists with the aim to co-create a culture algorithm capable of sensing where the next cultural and economic value will appear.