Wednesday | 23 Oct 2024

EMEA Participates in ENI CBC Med CLUSTER Project Launch

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA participated at the CLUSTER Project Launch Conference, represented by researcher Dr. Yeganeh Forouheshfar.

The Conference took place on 16th November and aimed to strengthen networking and dialogue among relevant stakeholders, as a step towards the creation of a supportive regional environment for the employment of NEETs (those Not in Employment, Education or Training). 

Dr. Forouheshfar participated in the panel, “Youth labour market impact of the COVID-19 crisis along with gender disparities: towards an integrated and multi-dimensional employment scheme,” commenting on the impact of the pandemic on employment and entrepreneurship for young people and women, and how sustainable entrepreneurship can be a factor for regrowth and resilience in the Mediterranean. 

The CLUSTER Project – advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditeRranean – is an ENI CBC Med project led by the IEMed, and the consortium of partners includes organisations from Italy, Cyprus, France, Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia. It aims to create a supportive environment for youth/women employment schemes, by equipping young people and women with employability skills and promoting long-lasting partnerships between TVET institutions (Technical and Vocational Education and Training), the private sector and social economy actors.