Friday | 25 Oct 2024

EMANES Annual Conference 2022 holds a pre-conference activity – the book launch of Mother Earth’s Final Push: the story of humanity’s gestation.

Prof. Rym Ayadi, President and Founder of EMEA, introduced Martin Schmalzried, political blogger, author & lecturer. His book “Mother Earth’s Final Push: the story of humanity’s gestation”, launched as part of the EMANES Annual Conference 2022, discusses the many crises humanity is facing including climate change and environmental degradation, various economic and financial crises, the Covid-19 health crises and, the war between Russia and Ukraine possibly evolving into a global conflict.

When finding solutions to these crises, he made the argument that we must remember that humans are not separate from nature. If we consider that each human as being but a cell in a larger global collective organism, or humanity as a whole, it enables us to find original solutions to many issues including fixing our financial system and evolving our governance structures.

The book launch was part of the EMANES Annual Conference 2022 which took place on the 15th and 16th December. You can view the recordings at the EMANES conference website or at the EMEA Youtube.
For more information about Martin Schmalzried’s work, visit his website: