Wednesday | 05 Mar 2025

The EU-Mediterranean and African Network for Economic Studies (EMANES, formerly EMNES) is a network of research institutions and think tanks working on socio-economic policy in Europe, the Mediterranean region and Africa.

EMANES builds on the research work of EMNES, the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) and the Mediterranean Prospects Network (MEDPRO)

The Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES) was created in 2014 as a network of research institutions and think tanks working on socio-economic policy on the Mediterranean region. From 2014-2019, EMNES benefited from a grant of €2 million from the European Union.

In 2021, EMNES enlarged its membership and geographical scope to include all countries in Africa. During the 6th EMNES Annual Conference organized on 9-10 December 2021, the EMNES Steering Committee resolved to rebrand EMNES to EMANES: the EU-Mediterranean and African Network for Economic Studies.

EMANES produces studies, scientific and policy papers and policy-graphics, and disseminates through annual conferences and policy workshop meetings bringing together leading researchers, academics, policy-makers and representatives of civil society to discuss and debate optimal policies for the future of the region.

EMANES is built on four core principles: independence, excellence, policy relevance and deep knowledge of Euro-Mediterranean and African affairs.