Read the third INVESTMED newsletter, summarising the progress achieved up to March 2022. The project's activities towards strengthening entrepreneurship in key sectors in the Mediterranean have continued to advance - 3 cycles of trainees have successfully graduated from the Sustainable Business Management training programme, with 2 more currently underway. Alongside the 7-week programme is a complementary series of seminars, organised by project partners EMEA and LUMSA University, which is now over half-way through. Another key pillar of the project is direct financial support - calls for sub-grants were opened to both Business Support Organisations (BSOs) and to Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs); one BSO each from Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon have now been selected to receive this funding, to deliver incubation and acceleration services to entrepreneurs and small businesses in their country. Winners of the call for MSMEs will be announced shortly.