October 6, 2024
Can the Banking Union foster market integration, and what lessons does that hold for the Capital Markets Union?Lead-Author/Editor: [lead_author]
Co-Authors/Contributors: Rym Ayadi Barbara Casu Giovanni Ferri Marco Bodellini
October 6, 2024
Can the Banking Union foster market integration, and what lessons does that hold for the Capital Markets Union?Lead-Author/Editor: [lead_author]
Co-Authors/Contributors: Rym Ayadi Barbara Casu Giovanni Ferri Marco Bodellini
April 30, 2009
Investigating Diversity In The Banking Sector In Europe: Key Developments, Performance And Role Of Cooperative BanksLead-Author/Editor: [lead_author]
Co-Authors/Contributors: Rym Ayadi Willem Pieter de Groen Emrah Arbak David T. Llewellyn Reinhard H. Schmidt