Organized by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), one of Europe’s most independent and reputable think tanks, IdeasLab 2025 stands as the premier annual event focused on EU policy. As a long-standing partner of CEPS, the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) once again proudly sponsored the event, held at The Square in Brussels on March 3–4, 2025.
IdeasLab 2025 was a very successful event featuring 160 speakers and over 800 participants. Over the course of the 2-day event, over 100 people visited the EMEA booth and were informed about the activities, the publications and the projects of the Association.
The event kicked off on March 3, 2025, with the plenary stock-take session “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Where the EU Stands Today”. This session drew on fresh insights from PwC’s latest CEO Survey, public opinion data, and macroeconomic analysis. Given the mounting social and economic pressures, understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating the path forward.
Session panel:
- Rusbeh Hashemian, EMEA CTO, PwC Germany
- James Kanagasooriam, Chief Research Officer, Focaldata
- Outi Slotboom, Director of Strategy and Economic Analysis at DG GROW, European Commission
- Daniel Gros, Director of the Institute for European Policymaking, Bocconi University
Moderator: Tinatin Akhvlediani, Research Fellow in the EU Foreign Policy Unit, CEPS
Later on the same day, the plenary session “The EU in the Post-2024 World” featured four keynote speeches addressing critical issues, such as the evolving geopolitical and geo-economic landscape, the future of the EU single market, the prospects for EU enlargement, support for Ukraine, and strategies to counter rising anti-European and far-right sentiment within Member States.
Keynote speakers:
- Andrés Rodríguez Pose, Princesa de Asturias Chair and Professor of Economic Geography, London School of Economics (LSE)
- Enrico Letta, Dean, School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs, IE University; President of the Jaques Delors Institute
- Laura D. Tyson, Distinguished Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California
- Marta Kos, Commissioner for Enlargement, European Commission
The Founder and President of EMEA and Senior CEPS Advisor, Prof. Rym Ayadi, participated in two prominent sessions:
Session 1: How Can the EU Creatively Engage with Emerging Middle Powers?
This session explored how the EU can enhance its competitiveness and global relevance by strategically engaging with emerging middle powers, particularly in the Global South, to foster shared interests and strengthen partnerships while recognizing different approaches.
In her intervention, Prof. Ayadi emphasized that “the European Union must move beyond fragmented aid and rigid financing models to embrace true joint interest, co-creation and co-development with emerging middle powers. By leveraging blended finance, innovative investment and credit guarantees, and regional investment corridors, the EU can position itself as a trusted partner in a multipolar world—one that shares risks, funds opportunities together, and fosters sustainable prosperity for all.”
The panel included:
- Enrico Letta, former Italian Prime Minister, President of the Jacques Delors Institute, and Dean of the School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs, IE University
- David Ringrose, Head of Division, Connectivity & Digital Transition, European External Action Service
- Cecilia Malmström, Senior Adviser, Covington Brussels
- John Zysman, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
Moderator: Dr. İlke Toygür, Director of the Global Policy Center, IE University
Session 2: Global Gateway 2.0: A Moment of Truth
This session examined the future of the EU’s Global Gateway initiative amidst shifting international dynamics and budget constraints. Participants discussed how the EU can balance foreign policy interests, development goals, and strategic competition while scaling up the initiative.
Prof. Ayadi underscored that “in a world where influence is increasingly measured by strategic investment and co-ownership rather than rhetoric, the EU must transition from a regulatory lender to a proactive partner. By embedding flexibility, trust, and regional collaboration at the heart of Global Gateway, Europe can offer an alternative not based on competition, but on shared prosperity and long-term resilience.”
The panel included:
- Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, The Clingendael Institute
- Reinhard Bütikofer, Senior Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)
- Virgine Battu-Henriksson, Policy Officer, Directorate for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination, DG INTPA, European Commission
Moderator: Ceren Ergenc, Research Fellow, CEPS
The second day of IdeasLab 2025, March 4, 2025, opened with the plenary session “Can Europe Deliver on Its Industrial Ambitions?” The European Commission will need to implement a long list of concrete actions to achieve its vision for sustainable industrial transformation, ensuring that both social and ecological sustainability remain at the heart of the EU’s agenda. However, this goal faces significant challenges in the current global landscape, with the US pushing for tariffs and the potential departure from sustainability-focused policies complicating Europe’s path forward.
Following contributions from European Commission Executive Vice President Teresa Ribera and Berkeley Professor David Zilberman, leading experts from both industry and academia discussed the vision that will define Europe’s long-term strategy.
Session panel:
- David Zilberman, Professor, UC Berkeley
- Teresa Ribera, Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition, European Commission
- Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Honorary President, The Club of Rome & Executive Chair, Earth4All
- Ann Mettler, Vice President Europe, Breakthrough Energy
- Thomas Becker, Vice President Sustainability and Mobility Strategy, BMW Group
Moderator: Dr. Cinzia Alcidi, Head of the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit at CEPS, and member of the EMEA Executive Board.
The final plenary session was titled “Exploring Europe’s Digital Future.” With AI dominating headlines, the EU has taken center stage with proposals such as a ‘CERN for AI’ and the announcement of a EUR 200 billion action plan by Ursula von der Leyen in Paris. This session focused on striking a balance between innovation and risk mitigation while considering AI’s role on the global stage. Key EU policymakers and leading academics discussed AI’s future in Europe. The session was moderated by Andrea Renda, Director of Research at CEPS.
Session panel:
- Gary Marcus, Professor of Psychology and Neural Science, New York University
- Eva Maydell, Member of the European Parliament (EPP)
- Marietje Schaake, International Policy Director, Stanford University
- Henna Virkkunen, Executive Vice-President for Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy, European Commission
- Maria Leptin, President, European Research Council
Moderator: Andrea Renda, Director of Research, CEPS
The EMEA team at CEPS IdeasLab 2025 was composed of Prof. Rym Ayadi – EMEA Founder & President & and Senior CEPS Advisor, Dr. Yeganeh Forouheshfar – Senior Researcher, Christine de Visser – Project Manager, and George Christopoulos – Intelligence & Communication Officer.