Prof. Rym Ayadi, EMEA President, and co-founder of the Brain Capital Alliance & the Brain Economy Hub, delivered the keynote speech at the Webinar “Hope to Action: Designing and Catalyzing Brain Economy Living Labs”. The webinar was organised by EMEA, in cooperation with the Brain Capital Alliance, the Brain Economy Hub, and the Neuro-Policy at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, and took place on Monday 24 February 2025, 13:00 CET on Zoom.

For more info and photos from the webinar please visit” EMEA webinar “Hope to Action: Designing and Catalyzing Brain Economy Living Labs” completed successfully

Link to the webinar video:

The EMEA team, in collaboration with OECD Neuroscience-inspired Policy Initiative, the Brain Capital Alliance, and the Global Brain Capital Dashboard Working Group, has developed the Global Brain Capital Dashboard. The Dashboard aims to quantify and track Brain Capital while also serving as a platform to inspire novel policy innovation. Link to the Global Brain Capital Dashboard