Tuesday | 18 Feb 2025

The EBA publishes the End of Term of Office report of the EBA Banking Stakeholder Group Chaired by Prof Rym Ayadi

The Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) within the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the Fifth End of Term Office Report, spanning from June 2020 to May 2024. The BSG serves as the EBA’s officially designated advisory body, comprised of thirty members representing diverse sectors: EU financial institutions, employees’ representatives, consumers, academics, users of banking services, small and medium-sized enterprises, and esteemed independent academics.

The Founder and President of EMEA Prof. Rym Ayadi is one of the four independent top-ranking academics among the 30 selected members who form the Banking Stakeholders Group (BSG), and she was the Chair of the Banking Stakeholder Group from 2019 to 2024.

The objective of the End of Term Office Report (ETOR) is to encapsulate the pivotal contributions of the Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) in supporting the European Banking Authority (EBA) to fulfil its missions, goals and tasks. At the heart of the EBA’s mission lies the comprehensive implementation of the European Single Rulebook for the banking sector—a cohesive set of prudential rules, designed to achieve three core objectives: ensuring a level playing field, safeguarding depositors, investors, and consumers, and promoting greater supervisory convergence.

The report highlights that in the endeavour to provide valuable counsel to the EBA, the BSG as demonstrated proactive engagement, offering strategic and technical advice to advance the institution in realising its mission and objectives. Notably, six technical working groups (TWGs) and two work streams have been instrumental in crafting opinion papers and responding to consultations.

The report delineates the role and dynamics of the BSG, encapsulating the endeavours of the technical working groups and of the work streams, alongside other pertinent activities. The final chapter encapsulates discerned lessons, encountered challenges and forward-looking recommendations. In presenting this report, we adhere to the precedents set by previous BSGs, drawing upon their lessons and experiences. It is our hope that this report will serve as a guiding resource for future BSG members, enhancing the group’s functionality and augmenting its contribution to the EBA’s overarching objectives.

Prof, Rym Ayadi, Founder and President of EMEA and Chair of EBA – BSG highlighted:
“As we reach the end of Banking Stakeholders Group – BSG term, I am honored to reflect on the tremendous work that has been accomplished in advising European Banking Authority (EBA) on banking stability, sustainability and consumer protection issues in challenging times. We have produced outputs publicly accessible to the European Banking Authority (EBA) website.
Serving as the chair together with Eduardo Avila Zaragoza of this distinguished group has been a privilege, and I am incredibly proud of the insights and recommendations we have developed to enhance the stability and resilience of Europe’s banking sector. We witnessed tremendously uncertain times – COVID-19, banking crises. SVB CS, Ukraine war, and Middle East war.
Over the past four years, our diverse group of experts has tackled complex challenges, provided comprehensive analysis, and developed forward-thinking recommendations on Basel 3, resolution, sustainable finance, ESG, DORA, MIRCA, AML, and consumer protection. Our collective efforts have not only contributed to single rule book but have also strengthened the foundation for a more robust, sustainable and secure banking environment across Europe.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each member of the group for their unwavering dedication, expertise, and collaborative spirit, to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Chair, José Manuel Campa, for leadership and to Philippe Allard for supporting of our work.

As we conclude our term, I remain confident that the foundations we have laid will continue to support and guide the ongoing efforts to ensure the stability and integrity of Europe’s banking system.”

The European Banking Authority (EBA) is an independent EU Authority which works to ensure effective and consistent prudential regulation and supervision across the European banking sector. Its overall objectives are to maintain financial stability in the EU and to safeguard the integrity, efficiency and orderly functioning of the banking sector.

Link to the End of Term of Office report of the EBA Banking Stakeholder Group