Friday | 07 Feb 2025

ReForest third project meeting in Brno

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA participated in the third annual meeting of the ReForest project on May 27th, 2024, represented by Dr Ivan Hajdukovic, EMEA Researcher.

The ReForest project (2022-2026), funded by the European Union (Project Nr. 101060635) aims to enhance the uptake of agroforestry in Europe by fostering innovation, knowledge exchange, and providing new solutions to enable farmers to achieve multiple objectives such as food production, carbon sequestration and biodiversity enhancement. EMEA leads Work Package (WP) 5 on finance and policy and is responsible for the project’s co-creation and capitalisation strategy and actions under WP1.

Ivan participated in engaging discussions on WP1 and WP5, and presented EMEA’s work on co-creation activities and research on finance and policy in the European agroforestry sector, with a focus on upcoming deliverables and priorities for the next two years of the project.

The presentation led to fruitful discussions among the partners on future co-creation activities and identified promising opportunities for collaboration between EMEA and the partners on different work packages.