Friday | 07 Feb 2025

EMEA participation at the MENA-OECD Government-Business Summit and Ministerial Conference

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA, participated at the MENA-OECD Government-Business Summit and Ministerial Conference, which took place online on 30-31 March and 1 April respectively.

The MENA-OECD Government-Business Summit gathered Ministers and high-level representatives from business associations and civil society to discuss issues pivotal to an inclusive economic recovery, notably: investment, value chains, youth economic empowerment and moving away from informality.

The MENA-OECD Ministerial Conference “Designing a Roadmap to Recovery in MENA”, focused on strategies to ensure an inclusive and resilient post-COVID-19 recovery. During the conference representatives from MENA and OECD governments, regional partners, international organisations, the private sector and civil society, discussed strategies to ensure an inclusive and resilient post-COVID-19 recovery.

The event started with welcome remarks by H.E. Mr. Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary General and the keynote Address was presented by  H.E. Mr. Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy. H.E. Ms. Hala Ei Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Arab Republic of Egypt and member of EMNES Advisory Committee, was one of speakers at the session “A new growth model for the postCOVID-19 recovery: governing the investments of tomorrow in MENA”.